Improved Reliability
AKA’s systems improve fault detection capabilities, eliminate potential faults and reduce the consequences of a fault.
Increased Availability
AKA’s systems minimize the post fault recovery time, reducing the time a system is offline.
Reduced Operating Costs
AKA’s systems incorporate hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) and revolutionary distribution arrangements and technologies to ensure power plants are performing efficiently.
Predictable Performance
AKA’s systems perform with expected responses to both normal and nonnormal conditions.
By using a disciplined design process, AKA has improved the reliability and increased the availability of conventional offshore drilling power plants. As a result, AKA has also shifted the paradigm for fuel efficiency in offshore drilling industry.
AKA’s High Reliability Power Plant includes:
Advanced Generator Protection (AGP) with DP3 Closed Bus Operation
High Availability Distribution Bus
Advanced Thruster Control and Protection System (ATCAP)
Pre-Magnetization System
Autonomous Tie Breaker
Hybrid Drillfloor
Uninterruptible Power Supply System (UPS)
- Emergency Generator Incomer
Other features include:
Collaborative Development
AKA works with our clients to provide solutions to satisfy their unique power and automation needs.
Life Cycle Support
From engineering consulting and design to commissioning and field service, AKA stands with you. We are here to support you with the continued success of your installations.
Contact us to learn more about our solution for your project
Call Us: +1(902) 620-4882
24/7 (Int’l): +1(519)-750-7103
24/7 (Canada): +1(866)-844-7686
AKA High Reliability Power Plant Product Guide – 4.88 MB *
AKA Rig Vessel Profile – 1.38 MB
AKA DP Closed Bus Info Sheet – 1.22 MB
* To download this file, please fill the contact form on this page with the download option enabled.
AKA Energy Systems
Aspin Kemp & Associates Inc.
Ahead of the current.