COVID-19 – AKA’s Precautionary Measures
As the number of COVID-19 cases grows worldwide, AKA has implemented precautionary measures to help protect our staff and visitors to our facilities. To date, there are no reported cases in Prince Edward Island, Canada where our main manufacturing facility is located....
Transocean Announces World’s First Hybrid Floating Drilling Unit
Transocean Spitsbergen goes Hybrid with AKA supplied Energy Storage Systems Aspin Kemp and Associates Inc. (AKA) has successfully installed and tested Energy Storage Systems (ESS) that transfer power to the thrusters of Transocean’s Spitsbergen drilling vessel. The...
Sustainable Hydro Workshop – Nepal
Last week AKA was invited to present at the Sustainable Hydro Workshop hosted by the Government of Canada in Kathmandu, Nepal. Tobia Wiedemer discussed the details and benefits of AKA’s project on “Turning Micro-Hydroplants into Microgrids”. A team of AKA’s...
Aspin Kemp & Associates (AKA) at the DP Conference in Houston
Jason Aspin CEO of Aspin Kemp & Associates (AKA) and his team are attending the Dynamic Positioning (DP) Conference in Houston this week. AKA has been delivering predictable performance, flexibility, and tight integration with no compromise to the DP industry for...