P.E.I. Company Investing Millions In Green Energy
Jason Aspin, AKA’s CEO was on CBC’s Island Morning speaking about our green hydrogen initiatives. Check out his interview with Mitch Cormier on CBC’s website. Click her for the CBC Interview In addition to the radio broadcast, CBC also released a...
AKA With RE-FUEL Orders Two 1 Megawatt Electrolyzers From Enapter
In partnership with RE-FUEL Renewable Fuels Inc. (RE-FUEL), an order has been placed for two AEM Multicores. Together, AKA and RE-Fuel intend to develop renewable fuels in the Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada. This order is planned to be delivered in the...
AKA Supporting Canadian Coast Guard In Reducing Fleet Emissions
This week the Canadian Government announced the next steps it is taking in combating climate change to reduce carbon emissions. AKA is pleased to announce that we are collaborating with the Canadian government on the development of the first hybrid electric vessel for...
Deepwater Atlas Sets Sail Powered By An AKA High-Reliability Power Plant
AKA achieved a big milestone last week as the first of two Deepwater drillships (the Deepwater Atlas) left Jurong Shipyard in Singapore for the Gulf of Mexico. It is the first-ever newbuild 8th generation drillship, and the first vessel to be able to support 20,000...