HMI screen to display process status, and provide fault indication;
Rack computer to allow for the archiving of process data; and
HMI built to be fault tolerant.

In these capacities, our technical services team has built experience with many off the shelf applications and custom applications.
AKA’s InnoVision is a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system that has been developed to graphically present data outputs from distributed systems. InnoVision is designed to be highly flexible and can be customized to work with a variety of system monitoring and control applications. Innovision is a mature product being in production for over 14 years with an install base on over 40 vessels.
Contact us to learn more about our solution for your project
Call Us: +1(902) 620-4882
24/7 (Int’l): +1(519)-750-7103
24/7 (Canada): +1(866)-844-7686
AKA Energy Systems
Aspin Kemp & Associates Inc.
Ahead of the current.