Technical Writing in Email

Email is a major realm of technical communication that almost every company takes for granted. Even at AKA, we are often inundated with email to a point where responses become more of a reflex than a message that is well thought out. But there are a few ways that...

Specific Nouns

Getting into a rhythm when writing is always good and can lead to a lot of great content. However, it is important that we do not lose sight of our audience throughout this process. This begins to happen when we stop using specific nouns. Here are a couple of...

Using the Right Voice

The idea of having a voice in writing is not restricted to creative works. Making sure that the voice we use in our writing is appropriate for the application is important. It is also important to keep that same voice throughout the document. Here are some tips on...

Making Documents User-Friendly

Accessibility is a pillar of great technical documentation and should be considered always when developing informative content. Here are some tips and strategies to ensure the documentation you create suits your audience. Legible Figures and Charts When writing a...

Write for the Audience

We often get wrapped up in producing documentation quickly to satisfy the next milestone or to meet a deadline. When we do this the concept of writing to an audience is sometimes lost. Here are some tips on writing for the reader instead of the job. Keeping the...

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